Cancer Research UK Walk 2002

Like last year we were again walking the Stratford on Avon and the Grand Union Canals, finishing at the Warwickshire County Council Staff Club in Warwick. However, instead of starting from Wilmcote this year we were starting further north at the Salter Street Bridge near Earlwood, which is close to Solihull and noted for it’s lakes.

Joe, whose wife Sue was on last year’s walk, was keen to take a photo of everyone at Salter Street. However, all were wanting to get moving as soon as they got off the coach, and before Joe could even get his camera out we were strung along the tow path heading east. Everyone seemed to be in an energetic mood and a cracking pace was set. My memories of previous walks were of strolling along at about 2 miles an hour. Today was different. We were moving along much quicker and in a very short time we passed under the M42 motorway and soon after were by-passing Hockley Heath.

The Junction of the Stratford on Avon and Grand Union Canals at Kingswood.
Anne and I think it is a lovely spot and if any readers have not been there it is well worth a visit. However, with Larry in the leading group the consideration was not the idyllic setting of Kingswood Junction but a pint or two of beer at Turner’s Green, the location of Tom o’ the Wood . As you will appreciate, if you have read about Larry before, he does like his pint(s) etc.
The happy band of CRUK Walkers outside the Tom o' the Wood.
The afternoon was the same route as 2001 and followed the canal to Warwick. One part of this stretch of the canal I always enjoy is at Shrewley. Here the canal goes through a tunnel as it passes under the village of Shrewley. The tunnel is 433 yards long and, as it would have been more expensive "burrowing" if a towpath were included, the bargees would have had to lay on the top of their barges and "leg" this part of the canal. The path the canal horses would have taken goes up hill to Shrewley and then down the other side to meet the canal once more.

Looking towards the top of the Hatton Locks.
From here it is a couple of miles to the top of the Hatton flight of 21 locks, known as the "Stairway to Heaven" and the canal shop, which sells ice creams. But it was shut. I was shocked. A beautiful sunny Saturday at the beginning of September and it wasn’t open. We were not the only people about. The owner must have done very well in the summer not to have taken advantage of potential customers on such a beautiful day. We therefore continued along the towpath and, along with Mick, his wife Chris and Anne,purchased ice creams from a garage that backs onto the canal. Very refreshing. They made us feel much better and more able to complete the rest of the route along the canal and up the hill into Warwick where we enjoyed refreshments and spent an enjoyable hour or so before departing home.
Thanks to the generosity of the walkers and their sponsors £2154 was raised.
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